Mysteries of Consciousness as space and air and Goddess Bargabhimaa--- Quotes from Upanishads

T his article presents the features of Consciousness as the void or space and as the air, and also it explains the relation of this knowledge to the goddess Bargabhimaa (varga-bhiimaa) whose temple is there in a city called Tamluk (in India). In ancient times, it was the port city named Tamralipta (taamralipta) . This article also explains the connection between prince Bhima (bhiima) of Mahabharat and the goddess, as well as the mace of Bhima. ' Practice of left or vaamaachaara of Tantra (tantra) has also been explained. ( Sanskrit words written in English fonts are Itrans versions of the original Sanskrit texts. Those Sanskrit words which are written in i talics can be found in the Sanskrit English Lexicon by Sir. Monier Williams. The lexicon is freely available on the Internet -----<> .) A brief descr...