Vedic Sanskrit words related to 'vaayu' or the Air

Vedic Sanskrit words related to air or god of air 'vaayu'.

(Sanskrit words are written in italics and are 'itrans' version. These words can be found in Sanskrit English Lexicon by Sir Monier Williams at <>

(i) vaayu---air. 

vaayu is from the root word 'vaa' which means to 

weave. It means that aspect of Universal Consciousness by which 

the elements or the entities of the universe are connected among 

each other in a mesh or network.

(ii) marut---God of wind.

marut---ma (mRityu = death, mortality) + ut (up, to go up, to go 

beyond, surpass)----who has gone beyond the death or mortality. 


sakha---friend;  marut-sakha-indra---indra who has befriended marut to get over the death or mortality.

sakha---sa (same) + kha (sky, space)---who share the same (inner) sky.

(iii) sUtraatman---sUtraa (thread) + aatman (soul)---the thread that connects everyone. 
sUtra---thread---sU  (to set in motion, to initiate) + tra (three--three dimensions of time)---the flow of time or praaNa  manifesting as three dimensions of time or three states of existence (wakeful state, dream, sleep / creation, living, termination).
sUtra---sU (to set in motion, to flow) + tra (traaNa--rescue)---who flows to rescue us from death or mortality.

(iv) samIraNa---sam (same/equal) + Ir (to move) +ana (life, animation, flow of Consciousness) ----the praaNa or Consciousness who keeps everything in 'equilibrium'. This aspect of Consciousness is also called 'samaana'. 

(v) anila-- ana (praaNa) + il (to sleep, to keep still)-----As we are born from praaNa (the active aspect of Consciousness), so we also die or return in praaNa. This aspect, where we become still, we merge in the Universal Consciousness, is called 'anil'. It is 'air' but 'still'. 

(vi) vaayu and aayu----Universal Consciousness flowing outside is vaayu. Universal Consciousness flowing inside is aayu or life.

(vi) maatarishvan--maatari (in the mother) +shvan (growing or breathing)
shvan is from the root words 'shva' meaning time and 'shvas' meaning'to breathe , to blow'.
Like a child breathes in mother's womb, we are drawing the life from praaNa or Universal Consciousness. 

(vii) vayun----path or trail created by vaayu or stream of Consciousness.

(viii) varga---(clan, class, group)----vaayu is termed as 'varga' in Chandogya Upanishad (teaching by sage Raikka). As it connects and weaves the universe (see (i) above ) , it creates classes and clans by the design of 'knots'.  

(ix) vayam--We.  vayaam is the plural form of 'aham' meaning (I or I am). In the likeness of 'sound' , vayaam and 'vaayu' can be also considered originating from the same root word 'vaa'. Thus, 'we' or 'vayaam' also convey a sense of 'group' or 'collectivity'. 

(x) vayas, vayasa----Bird or a winged creature. The semi vowel 'va'  also means 'wind'. vayas= vay (to go/ to go up) + as (cast, to throw)-- cast or lifted in the air.
Also , 'vayasa' means 'a period of life or age'. The extent the Consciousness or Air has flown in someone is the one's age.

{Written following the teaching of the great sage Shri.BijoyKrishna Chattopadhyaya (1875-1945) and his principal disciple Shri.Tridibnath Bandyopadhyaya (1923-1994).}


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